The Inn, Farmhouse and Brewing Co. at Turkey Hill

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Northeast PA Winterfests + Holiday Arts & Crafts Shows

Photo by Darren Coleshill on Unsplash @photalifeDecember 1-3, 2017 is a FEST-filled weekend in Bloomsburg and our surrounding communities – so let’s all enjoy the festivities!

TreeFEST 2017 continues at the Caldwell Consistory, here in Bloomsburg. Don’t miss the chance to see the spectacular decorations on over 100 live Christmas trees, plus displays by many local artisans and continuous musical entertainment. After TreeFest, he decorated trees will be given to families in need this holiday season. Hours are Friday, December 1, from 4:00 – 8:00 pm, Saturday, December 2, from 10:00 am – 6:00 pm, and Sunday, December 3, from noon – 4:00 pm. Admission: $6 per adult.

The Benton WinterFEST is Saturday, December 2, 2017, from 10:00 am until 3:00 pm. Benton is just a 20 minute drive north of Bloomsburg on Route 487. You’ll find over 50 unique artisan vendors as well as unique Main Street stores, plus music, food, and activities – all on a street closed to traffic for the festivities. It’s a great way to enjoy shopping at some small businesses and celebrate the season in a small-town way. The fun in Benton will end just in time to head south to Berwick, PA, about a half-hour drive on Routes 487 and 1025. You’ll be just in time for:

Berwick’s WinterFEST, December 2, from 4:00 – 8:00 pm. Festive activities include horse and carriage rides, cookie decorating, a gingerbread house contest, plus craft displays and marshmallow roasting stations – Yum! It’s all free in downtown Berwick. As part of Winterfest, Market Street will sparkle with the opening of the 71st Christmas Boulevard from 6:00 – 10:00 pm. The display begins Saturday evening, but visitors will be able to enjoy the lights and decorations throughout the holidays season.

If you need a custom gift basket or a fresh wreath, you can return to Bloomsburg by way of Catawissa, PA, and Rohrbach’s Farm Market, where they are holding their Holiday Celebration December 2, from 9:00 am. – 5:00 pm, with door prizes and plenty of holiday shopping. There’s a gift shop in the Barn Loft, award-winning wines from Freas Farm Winery, plus gourmet foods, a bakery, delicatessen, and more.

If you still are seeking more unique gifts created by our area’s talented artists, be sure to stop by the special holiday exhibits at the Exchange Gallery and the Artspace Gallery in Bloomsburg. The Exchange Gallery’s 4th Annual Cash & Carry Show and features 450 pieces by more than 250 artists of all ages – all are created on uniform wooden boards and priced at $25. The Holiday Artspace Member Show features many original and affordable works perfect for gift giving. Both shows continue through January 7, 2018.

The Boomsburg area’s FESTive weekend is a perfect way to begin your December holiday celebration –small-town festivities with unique holiday shopping, food, music, and most of all, fun! Your return to a warm welcome and some holiday cheer at The Inn, Farmhouse, and Brewing Co. at Turkey Hill is the perfect end to these festive days!

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