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Northeastern PA Art Gallery Exhibits Fall 2017

Green apples in glass bowl Artspace Gallery Bloomsburg PA

Image: Artspace Gallery

Image: Artspace Gallery

If you enjoy visiting art exhibits and galleries as part of your stay at The Inn, Farmhouse, and Brewing Co. at Turkey Hill in Bloomsburg, you always have lots of choices all year long! You’ll find The Exchange Gallery, Artspace Gallery, and Bloomsburg University’s Greenly Gallery right in downtown Bloomsburg, plus the Haas Gallery of Art on the Bloomsburg Univeristy campus. Bucknell University in nearby Lewisburg, PA, features exhibits at both the Samek Art Gallery in the Elaine Langone Center on campus and at the Downtown Gallery in Lewisburg. Below are the exhibitions featured this fall.

The Artspace Gallery features artists Mike Silver, Annie Barnhardt and Jeff McGreevy in 3 Different Artists – 1 Incredible Show until November 12, 2017, while members of the Susquehanna River Arts are exhibiting works at The Exchange Gallery through the same date. The Susquehanna River Arts show features 34 pieces by ten artists from our local region: Sara Baker, Annie Barnhardt, Robert Brown, Gail Fox, Joan Gallup Grimord, Peter Grimord, Glen Klein, Sara Mika, Larry Ney II, and William Whitmoyer. Created by the Columbia-Montour Visitors Bureau, Susquehanna River Arts showcases works of local artists, highlighting the cultural assets of the region, and fostering appreciation of both their communities and heritage.

Three art works on grey wall - one seascape one blue architectural elements one sepia allee of treesArtspace Gallery                                          The Exchange
Hours: Thursday-Saturday 12:00-8:00 pm    Hours: Monday & Friday 10:00 am-6:00 pm
            Sunday 12:00-5:00 pm
221 Center Street, Bloomsburg , PA             24 E. Main Street, Bloomsburg, PA
Phone: 570-784-0737                                    Phone: 570-317-2596

Bloomsburg University’s Haas Gallery of Art is hosting Revisited / Renewed, an exhibition of recent work by Eastern Michigan University’s Michael Reedy, through November 16, 2017. His most recent drawings revisit “the timeless themes of life, death, and the human condition.” The artist’s reception closes the exhibit on Thursday, November 16, from 11:00 am until 2:00 pm. A Senior Show, featuring the work of current BU students, opens with a reception on November 29 from 10:30 am until 3:00 pm. That exhibit continues through December 15, 2017.

The Gallery at Greenly Center will open a new exhibit November 3, 2017. Reunion, featuring works by Sarah Kulaga, Ellen Brennan and Ashley Lopez (LGBTQA Symposium Group Show) will be on display through December 5, 2017. 

Haas Center for the Arts                              Gallery at Greenly Center
Hours: Monday – Friday: 9:00 am-4:00pm     Monday – Friday: 12:00 pm-4:00 pm
(closed on university holidays)                       (closed on university holidays)
Bloomsburg University
400 East 2nd Street, Bloomsburg, PA           50 East Main Street, Bloomsburg, PA
Phone: 570-389-4708                                    Phone: 570-389-4708

Visitors can enjoy Bucknell University’s Fall 2017, exhibits both in the heart of the campus, and at their Downtown Gallery in Lewisburg. You can see Laleh Mehran’s Inherent Control Cyphers at the Main Gallery of the Samek Art Museum in the Elaine Langone Center through December 3, 2017. Employing visual languages of Middle-Eastern and European cultures, Mehran has created an immersive multimedia installation that “invites viewers to consider the process in which we form our identities, ideologies, and allegiances and the rituals we perform to sustain them.” If you attend any productions at the University’s Weis Center for the Performing Arts, in the lobby you can enjoy a year-long display of Ralph Gibson’s black and white photographs of guitar masters playing their instruments entitled State of the Axe.

The Downtown Gallery currently features sculpture and interactive works by Sidney Mullis: Who is Puberty and How Does She Hit? These works explore “coming-of-age in a gendered society” through breaking down of social conventions into the raw materials of component forms and behaviors, then transforming them into new works. If you’re in downtown Lewisburg, you can stop by this exhibit through February 11, 2018.

Samek Art Gallery                                          Downtown Gallery
Hours: Tuesday-Friday 12:00-5:00 pm            Hours: Tuesday-Friday 12:00-5:00 pm
           Saturday-Sunday 11:00 am-5:00 pm       Saturday-Sunday 11:00 am-5:00 pm
3rd Floor, Elaine Langone Center,
Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA                 416 Market St., Lewisburg, PA
Phone: 570-577-3792                                      Phone:570-577-3792

Whatever your artistic tastes, we’re sure you’ll enjoy the varied repertoire of our local galleries and university exhibits. It’s a great way to spend a chilly afternoon as the holidays approach (and of course works are for sale at The Exchange and Artspace for your holiday shopping needs)! You know there will be a warm welcome waiting for you when you return to the Inn, and a delicious dinner and perhaps a cozy nightcap are just steps away, so make plans for that pre-holiday season getaway now!

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